Thursday, February 3, 2011

Farewell India

This afternoon I'm flying back to Delhi, where, with any luck, I'll catch my connecting flight to Singapore. I've given myself 6 hours between the two flights, but one never knows.

The last time I left India feeling completely traumatised. One of the reasons was that I'd spent a few days in Guwahati and was paranoid about bed bugs from below and mosquitoes from above, so I didn't get to sleep much for 2 days. Then I had to go to Kolkata for another night before flying back, and I really just wanted to get home by then.

In contrast I'm a little sad to leave this time, though I'm planning to be back later this year. In fact, part of me can't wait to come back to the NE next time to see all the friends I've made and to do all the projects I need to do. Even if it hasn't been completely smooth sailing, I've had an amazing last 3 months in India, and a fantastic month and a half in Nepal before that.

But I'm not going to jinx it too much, since a lot can still happen between now and my flight back to Singapore, like having to push a car on the highway, a delayed flight, a cancelled flight, or luggage getting cut (all of which have already happened on this trip!).

So farewell India for now.

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