Monday, November 29, 2010

Potato smasher

The other day I was asked by a shopkeeper,"Khuuno ghami kea?", which translates roughly as 'Which village are you from?' (lit. 'Whose village person (are you)?') The morpheme gha is also found in lagha which translates as 'clan' and mi is a common Tibeto-Burman noun root meaning 'person'.

Since I don't clearly don't have a village (or clan) and didn't really understand the question, my friend kindly replied on my behalf that I was aluchhephomi, much to the amusement of everyone in earshot. The word can be analysed morphologically as alu 'potato', chhepho 'to break asunder' and mi 'person'. So literally, 'potato smasher'. People here jokingly refer to people who don't know which village they (or their family) are from as aluchhephomi, people from this fabled distant village where the inhabitants smash potatoes, as opposed to doing something useful with them, like say... cooking?

Given my clanless and villageless status here, I guess for the timebeing I'm happy to embrace my potato smashing heritage.

1 comment:

  1. Potato smashing is all the rage now!
