Monday, October 4, 2010

Food sayings

During dinner at L. and S.'s, L. shared a proverb / saying that according to him was popular with soldiers (he used to be in the army, though it's not clear to me which army):

दाल भात तरकारी जिउ मेरो सरकारी 
daal bhaat tarkaari, jio mero sarkaari
(which seems to translate into something like 'lentil curry, rice and vegetables, my body my government')

I'm not sure what it's supposed to mean exactly - apart from expressing one's love for (and loyalty towards) the dish.

The closest saying in another language I could think of comes from Russian (and this one was apparently also popular with soldiers and it rhymes as well):

щи да каша пиша наша
shchi da kasha pisha nasha
('Cabbage soup and buckwheat porridge, that's our fare')

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